You didn’t come this far to stop.
About dedication
Dedicated is independent magazine, foundation and brand which helps people who are dedicated. We look for people who are dedicated to any kind of work or human pursuit which helps humanity, environment and nature or animals and which they do no matter of financial status, social position or personal fame.
Those who are dedicated are people who help one human or whole nation. Those who are dedicated are men and women, friends or family members, parents or children, people we all see around yet they may remain unseen. Those who are dedicated, those who care. Those we miss when they leave. Those who are dedicated we follow and listen.
To share non-biased story of dedicated people.
To help where we can help.
To provide support where it is reasonable and possible.
We dedicate ourselves to follow the mission:
Terms used in the manifesto:
Dedicated platform - webpage and social media basement on which the stories are published.
Equal to:, Dedicated stories, Stories, Dedicated stories platformDedicated foundation - foundation as a part of Dedicated. Equal to:, foundation
Stories manifesto
Stories are main part of Dedicated DNA. Most of the content the platform shares with the world is related to the stories. Purpose of this approach is that we need to stay focused and related to people we try to support and help.
To provide stories of people who deserves to be not forgotten and to seek for the journey which goes beyond one life only.
Steps we follow while preparing and sharing of the stories in the field and on the platform are:
There is not me and my story. There is story of the dedicated and the person, situation, event or other higher principle to which each person is dedicated.
Story is not categorised by the field dedication and is prefered equality in uniqueness of each of the story.
There is not allowed any kind of propagation or product placement within the story unless it is related to the material support provided by Dedicated platform or Dedicated foundation or its partners.
There should be crucial part on which the story should focus. This part should be clear and should not lead to misunderstandings, false conceptions, political or social manipulation.
Content receivers should be able to distinguish between each story. Each story may be part of the long-term documentary.
There are allowed photographies, texts and videos which do not conflict with good manners and should respect each person visualised in the material.
Stories must meet values of Global Charter of Ethics for Journalists of International Federation of Journalists and Code of Ethics of Society of Professional Journalists
Violence, sexual or RAW material is limited and if there is inevitability to show, it should be shown with agreement of relatives or in case it is not possible it should meet professional journalism codex. Each story, photography or video should be then marked as explicit 18+.
Stories, their presentation and use must not directly lead to a self-propagation or gathering of financial and non-financial amenity, such as fame or promotion, which would not be related to the fundaments of the story.
Earning money or non-related personal amenity for other people than those from story is strictly prohibited.
Dedicated stories are published via domain Terms such as Stories platform, Dedicated platform or platform mean then the same and should be distinguished from Dedicated foundation although they are related.
Violation of copyright or other authorship related rights is prohibited.
There is right to put down the content by the management of the Dedicated in case that any of the mentioned points are not met.
Last update: 2022/05/07
Each story should contain:
All the authors and co-authors should be specified. Allowed are naming and abbreviations of names by following examples:
Full name: John Arthur Novak
Presented name: John Arthur Novak
Abbreviation: J. A. Novak
Asia & Non latin countries
Full name: Александр Митрофанов
Presented name: Alexei Mitrofanov
Abbreviation: A. Mitrofanov
Preamble should contain short text which would invite user to the article, introduce the story and the story character. We recommend to stay between 250-300 letters.
Main content
Content should be written in a form of article with in text quotation. Interview form should not be used if it is not inevitable. Content should be divided into paragraphs. Optimal length or article (story) is approx. 3 pages of normed A4 page.
Story must contain gallery of at least 5 images or 1 video. Technical requirements are following:
Format: jpg
Resolution: 1280px on long side
Note: B&W photography is preferred. RAWs are required to store in the Dedicated cloud archive.
Format: mp4 (h265)
Resolution: 1280px on long side
Note: Stored on Dedicated cloud archive and Youtube channel.
End notes
It is allowed to add end notes at the end of the article which would provide additional information (such as contact, explicit thanks and so on) and/or funding information.
In case the funding information is provided in the end note it should always lead to the external webpage where all the necessary information are presented to the user. Dedicated platform or foundation cannot take responsibility for badly written bank account number or other information, therefore it should be always clear that funding is not provided by the Dedicated platform and foundation. If the funding is supported and provided via Dedicated platform or foundation the unified funding block is provided (see the chapter Funding methods).
Last update: 2022/05/07
Foundation manifesto.
Foundation is independent (yet undetachable) part of Dedicated story platform. It may be separated agenda and may work independently on stories.
To provide financial, material or other help where it is reasonable and possible in a pursuit of future long term moves which would make significant and important changes in individual and/or global manner as well.
Financial, material or other resources related support is provided only on a places and to people where it is necessarily needed and the circumstances do not allow local kind of help.
Support provided by foundation must be public and transparent with documented flow of resources which is presented via reports.
Support must be under legal and accounting according to the current state of law.
Accounting and taxes are handled by Dedicated foundation only.
Allowed fundings
Following items are allowed to be funded by the foundation:
Direct financial, material, medical or other support of persons described in stories or their relatives and persons to which the help or activity is focused on.
Direct financial, material or other support of fundament activities, help or other definable intentions related to the fundaments of story or pursuit by dedicated person.
Expenses related to the traveling, accommodation and insurance necessary for documenting of the story of dedicated persons.
Prohibited fundings
Following items are explicitly prohibited to be funded by the foundation:
Third persons, groups of persons or organisations of any kind which does not meet conditions in allowed fundings.
Marketing or propagation related operations which would lead to profit or gathering of amenity outside of scope of the story, Dedicated story platform or intentions by Dedicated foundation.
Loans or any sort of long term debts which would lead to obligations or liabilities.
Funding methods
Direct funding
When possible the direct funding to the Dedicated foundation transparent account is available. The payment identification, symbols according to the stories may differ except bank account.
Indirect funding
It is allowed to present in Stories end not also method of indirect funding. Indirect means that the funds does not go through Dedicated foundation but to the receivers directly (e.g.: Médecins Sans Frontières or Red Cross etc). Mandatory conditions of indirect funding are following:
Reasoned and defined in its way - especially in terms of how specifically the support will be used.
Clear and not interchangeable.
Not gathered through middlemen or not transparent entities.
Dedicated native token
Dedicated native token (DDD) is Cardano native token which serves as a global funding way to support Dedicated platform and foundation.
Dedicated NFT
Non-fungible tokens are generated for:
Specified stories as a one time support.
Special ocations, cases or events which requires separated way of funding via crypto.
Last update: 2023/03/03
Foundation manifesto.
Public relations
Internal advertisement
Internal advertisement is limited on Dedicated platform and foundation and its related social networks by following rules:
Paid advertisement or propagation of third parties, brands or products is prohibited at any form which would lead to gathering of financial resources not related to the Dedicated platform or foundation.
Propagation, advertisement or product placement of partners or brand in partnership with Dedicated platform and foundation is allowed only when it is explicitly specified to the perceiver of the content.
No manipulation of perceiver's opinion or reality is allowed within allowed propagation, advertisement or product placement.
Any of propagation, advertisement or product placement must not be contrary to rules described in any of the manifesto of this document, notably in the manifesto of Stories.
External advertisement
Propagation of Dedicated platform and foundation is allowed only with specified rules:
Propagation and advertisement must meet good manners, ethics and moral aspects and is not against law.
Propagation and advertisement is presented only on a places which does not present sexually motivated content, does not present violence of any kind and does not present politically or socially biased opinions or content.
All amenity gained by the external advertisement must be transparently stored on the public bank account and the revenues must be presented via public reports.
External advertisement must meet General visual specifications described in this document.
Last update: 2022/05/07